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Lifeonaire, by Steve Cook, Shaun McCloskey
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Will Becoming a Millionaire Really Set You Free? If we, as a nation, declare freedom to be our number one priority, then why do so many of us, at a gut-level, feel less freedom than ever? Americans work harder than ever before to pursue freedom, based on the delusion that more money and success will lead to a better life. The typical American trades the vast majority of their time and energy for the hope that, someday, they will be free. Meanwhile, their intense pursuit of financial success is the very thing robbing them of freedom. So, Where Do We Find Freedom? What Should We Pursue? In Lifeonaire, Steve Cook and Shaun McCloskey challenge you to consider what it is that you really desire. Through this story, they show how Americans often blindly pursue financial wealth thinking that it will reward them with what they want. But, what we really want is life. Our heart's desire is to become more than just a "success" by the world's standards- more than a millionaire. What we really desire is to become a Lifeonaire.
- Sales Rank: #491044 in Books
- Published on: 2014-12-09
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .67" w x 5.50" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 296 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
19 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
One of the best books I have ever read!
By Ugly Scott
When I ordered this book I had not yet heard anything about it. I originally saw it on Facebook. I thought it was a real estate book. I was initially disappointed when i Opened it to find it was a fiction book. I read a lot of business books but never read fiction. I started to read it at about 9:30 pm and stayed up until about 3:30 am to finish it. It was that good. It has really made an impact on my thinking and I am still thinking about this book daily and making the necessary changes. I was definitely pleasantly surprised as I had no expectations going into it. I highly recommend the book!
15 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Good thought, not very well executed
By John Drew
The point of the book is excellent, living your live a different way then that of the world. I agree 100% with all of the content and maybe some people who have not heard the message need this book to get started.
My problem was this book read more like a cheesy teen devotional then an actual fiction book.
Also, while the idea is good, I think that most people could get more detail and action steps from a book like Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. They are bother similar in content, but Dave's book actually shows you how to take action. Lifeonaire does not give you a good plan on how to get started.
So if you are deep in debt and want a $500,000 boat, you probably shouldn't buy it. In a way, parts of this book is like Suze Orman's "Can I Afford It" where people call in and ask if they can afford ridiculous things even though they're broke.
It also felt like they were self-promoting their seminars which felt a little Guru-ish to me, which I am not a big fan of.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Real page turner
By Yurintzi Acevedo
This book is truly an inspiration. It has changed my view on life and what my vision entails in living in the NOW while planning for the future. All this while focusing on what's important for me and my family.
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